Bella Vista (Belize)
I left this morning from Livingston (Guatemala).
I took the boat for 400 quetzales, paid the exit tax of 80 quetzales. Total of 84.84 Canadian Dollar.
I arrived in Belize, went through customs with no problems.
I rode in this new country. We speak English here, it's weird. It's been 4 months that I speak Spanish, I have to get out my English which is my faith painful to hear.
I prefer to speak Spanish it's made easier for me!
I traveled 85 km in a wild setting. It was good not to hear too many cars, because the path is not very busy.
I arrived at Bella Vista after sunset. I paid 75 BZ$ for my room. ($37.50 USD)
1BZ$ = US$0.50
It's still easy to convert the prices into $USD, you just have to divide the prices by 2.
Tomorrow I will head to one of the most beautiful places in Belize: Placencia.

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