Costa Rica
(Alexander Poulin / Alexandre Poulin)
I have a brother-in-law who is a millionaire
He made his fortune in cell phones
Worse last month, he went on vacation
Somewhere in the islands of deliverance
He found himself a cheap motel
Something like twice my salary
With a view of the Atlantic
No, but it's nice to have money
Everything was almost perfect
Except for a little something that intrigued him
It was that every early afternoon
A man was sleeping outside his house
Fa' that a day, a little curious
He said, "Excuse me, sir,
I have a question for you
But what are you doing
Of your days? »
The man of about 35 years old
Swarthy, says: "My name is Fernand
Here, drink this and take the time to sit down
I'll tell you everything you want to know"
My brother-in-law always in a hurry
Hesitated to take tea
But he told himself that a sad story
It would remind him how rich he was
Fa' that he sat on his briefcase
So as not to dirty his Spandex panties
And the man told his story
As if he did it every night:
"In the morning, I get up around six o'clock
And I jump on my fishing boat
I bring a couple of fish
For my wife and my two boys
In the afternoon, I take it easy
I'm taking a little nap on the edge of the water
And I always come home on time
See the sun over the ocean »
My brother-in-law, always on the lookout, said: "Fernand,
You would make money if you moved your ass
If you fished all day
The fish, you could sell it instead of giving it away »
“But what would I do with that money? »
Responds Fernand a little coma
“You buy yourself a damn big boat
Which goes ten times faster than your tub
Fa' that you can go much further
Where there are 100 fish for a sailor
Worse it will bring you so much
That you pay yourself a dozen employees
And the more fishermen you have, the more fish you have
The more fish you have, the cheaper you sell it
The less you sell it, the worse the more you sell
Yeah, the more you sell, the more you earn”
The good Fernand, all mixed up
Look at my brother-in-law with curiosity
And he says: "Once I've done all that
Do you want to tell me what it will bring me? »
My brother-in-law, all amazed
To see that the fisherman has not clicked, he says:
“Astheure that you are full of money
You pay yourself a big retirement at 50
The good Fernand, a little embarrassed, said:
“What is retirement?
I don't want to look uneducated
But that word, we don't know it here"
Fa' that my brother-in-law closes his eyes
Concentrate, smile a little
He thinks about the big retirement he's going to pay for himself
Worse delivers the bottom of his thoughts there:
"In the morning, I'll get up around six o'clock
I'll jump on a little fishing boat
I will bring back a couple of fish
For my wife at home
In the afternoon, I'll take it easy
I'll take a little nap on the water's edge
And I'll get home just in time
See the sun over the ocean »
It seemed like it was then
That the rich man became another guy
It's as if the brother-in-law has understood
That Fernand was richer than him
Today, my brother-in-law is a fisherman
Somewhere south of the equator
Worse in the afternoon, he takes it easy
With her boyfriend Fernand on the edge of the water

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